Cinedans LAB is the education and talent development department of Cinedans.
The LAB engages young makers and new talent with the development of dance film and stimulates research. It also offers practical, productional and artistic advice to young and experienced makers.

Cinedans LAB has developed a series of trajectories. We organise hands-on workshops, labs and (interactive) lectures on filming dance, script writing, and editing. We pay special attention to new technological developments such as VR and interactive possibilities. Cinedans LAB also coaches individual students and professional makers with developing their work.

Trajectories and initiatives

These are the trajectories and initiatives of Cinedans LAB. Always tailor made and with a pool of experienced teachers at hand.

Film still: Dance & Camera workshop Brede Daltonschool De Meer, Amsterdam

Dans is overal, dans is cool. En de camera is al lang niet meer weg te denken als verlengstuk van het lichaam van jonge mensen. Cinedans heeft een apart lesprogramma voor de basisschool ontwikkeld vanaf groep 6. Kinderen worden uitgedaagd hun fascinaties, dromen en ideeën om te zetten in beweging en daar stapsgewijs een spannende film van te maken. Choreograferen, filmen, monteren: de kinderen doen het allemaal zelf. De workshop wordt geleid door een dansdocent en filmdocent.

Kinderen leren zich fysiek uitdrukken en maken uitgebreid kennis met de basisvaardigheden van film. Ze denken na over locatie, kostuum en geluid. Samenwerken is uitgangspunt. Door in kleine groepen een plan te bedenken en uit te voeren, leren ze op een creatieve manier naar elkaar te luisteren én elkaar de ruimte te geven.
Het project wordt afgesloten met een feestelijke première – op school of in de bioscoop.

Voor scholieren van de middelbare school heeft Cinedans een toegepaste workshop ontwikkeld – met uitgebreide aandacht voor dans skills en meer uitdaging bij het filmen. Verschillende genres komen aan bod: van muziekclip tot fictie, van documentaire tot art house. De workshops kunnen zowel verspreid over langere tijd als geconcentreerd in een korte periode plaatsvinden. Ook een korte workshop van één hele dag of een aantal uur is mogelijk. Alles afhankelijk van de wensen, mogelijkheden en omstandigheden van de school.

Voor meer informatie en overleg: neem contact op met Nienke Rooijakkers, educatie manager Cinedans.

Dance is everywhere, dance is cool. And the camera has long since become an extension of young people’s bodies. Cinedans has developed a separate educational program for primary schools, for children aged 9 to 13. They are challenged to transform their fascinations, dreams and ideas into movement and, step-by-step, turn them into an exciting film. Choreographing, filming, editing: the children do it all themselves. The workshop is led by a dance teacher and a film teacher.

Children learn to express themselves physically and are introduced to the basic skills of film. They think about location, costume, and sound. Working together is the starting point. By coming up with a plan and carrying it out in small groups, they learn to listen to each other in a creative way and to give each other space.
The project ends with a festive premiere – at school or in the cinema.

Cinedans has developed an applied workshop for secondary school students – with extensive attention to dance skills and more challenging filming. Various genres are covered: from music video to fiction, from documentary to art house. The workshops can be spread over a longer period of time or concentrated in a short period of time. A short workshop of a whole day or a few hours is also possible. Everything depends on the wishes, possibilities, and circumstances of the school.

For more information and consultation, please contact Nienke Rooijakkers, education manager at Cinedans.

Film still: Appicle by Ambra Nova, Anamaria Klajnscek, Kim Verbeke | Dance & Camera Workshop at Modern Theater Dance, Academy for Theater & Dance, Amsterdam

In recent years, film has developed strongly as a new medium for dance. In a world where our visual language is dominant, dance film can tell a story in a unique, intuitive and physical way. Cinedans has years of experience of giving Dance & Camera lessons in art education: at dance academies, in applied arts education and visual arts.

During the courses, students learn how movement and the body can be meaningfully used on film and what role the camera plays in this. They are introduced to technical and content-related film principles and have the opportunity to explore other ways of producing and dealing with a creative process. Usually, students work towards making their own film. They are responsible for the entire process, from concept development and creating a choreography to production, filming and editing. Cinedans supports them both before and during the creative process, with practical lessons and intensive coaching. The student films regularly find their way to the Cinedans FEST Student Competition.

The course is taught by Cinedans dramaturge Nienke Rooijakkers and a filmmaker, and possible additional expertise such as a choreographer. The course is always tailor-made, in
terms of content, duration and planning, and adapted to the wishes, possibilities and circumstances of the institute and the students involved.

For more information and consultation, please contact Nienke Rooijakkers, Cinedans education manager.

Film still: Audition video by Esther van der Pijl | Auditioning for Camera workshop at Bachelor Dance ArtEZ, Arnhem

For auditioning, dancers must present themselves more and more on film. How do you show yourself in front of the camera? What do you demonstrate and how do you film this? And how does a choreographer look at all those submitted clips? What do you need to be aware of?

For dance students and dance professionals from all disciplines, Cinedans has developed a comprehensive course covering all the do’s and don’ts of making an audition film. Together with a choreographer and film teacher, participants learn how to make a clip that catches the eye. Participants are coached in choosing and making effective movement material, and learn functional basics of camera work and editing. The course has a practical approach. Participants get to work themselves and finish with their own audition film.

The workshops can be spread out over a longer period or concentrated over a short period of time, depending on the wishes, possibilities and circumstances of the school or institute. For more information, please contact Nienke Rooijakkers, Cinedans education manager.

Photo: VRLab 2019 – Cinedans FEST

In film and dance, VR is the medium par excellence that appeals best to the physical experience. But, there is still a lot to discover in virtual space. With two labs, in 2018 and 2019, Cinedans offered diverse makers the chance to experiment with dance, movement, the body and VR. Together with technical partner BeamSystems, Cinedans set up a studio where choreographers, filmmakers and AV artists could work for a week, with technical and dramaturgical support on hand. The labs took place during Cinedans FEST, with an interactive symposium (2018) and public work sessions (2019).

A small selection of the participants (groups) of the past editions and the projects they were able to develop during the lab:
Choreographer Heidi Vierthaler researched a choreographic tool for her Stream-Flow Method; dancer and choreographer Setareh Fatehi and creative developer Frederick Rodrigues collaborated on the interactive installation Sink; filmmaker Felix van Cleeff and dance-dramaturge Fabiënne Vegt made the short 360 film Meet me in Time; during the lab filmmaker Timo Geschwill took the first steps towards his installation and graduation work for the master film Private Void.

In November 2021, we organised a short symposium in collaboration with the VRDays – which also served as a kick-off for a new lab that is in the pipeline. The next VRLab will take place in 2022. There will be room for a maximum of five makers and groups. More information will follow in early ’22, when also the open call will be launched.

For more information, please contact Cinedans dramaturge Nienke Rooijakkers

Film still: Online meeting – The case against dance film with Mitchell Rose | Cinedans FEST’21

In the past period, Cinedans has learned to offer its various courses online as well. This has worked out better than expected. Also because the screen is already the stage on which participants and students create their work. Interaction is paramount. Theoretical lessons are alternated with practical assignments and looking together – at inspiring dance films and at your own work.

Thanks to the experience we now have with online courses, we are also able to offer our courses across borders. Content, form, and duration can be determined in consultation with the course or institute. For more information, please contact Nienke Rooijakkers, Cinedans education manager.

Photo: Melissa Ploeg | Film: Lemniscate by Djamila Ploeg and Lars van Tooren | Coaching Nienke Rooijakkers

Cinedans supports young and experienced makers. We offer tailor-made coaching to dance film makers in a variety of areas – from guidance and advice during concept and scenario development, to dramaturgic support and post-production. Cinedans can also support in matchmaking, give advice on the budget and production design as well.

Cinedans has an enormous archive of dance films that we are keen to share. We welcome everyone who wants to get inspired or is looking for more background information for a project. Feel free to come and browse! Contact Nienke Rooijakkers, Cinedans education manager.

Film Still: The Blue Wolf Dancers

Cinedans voelt zich verbonden met haar omgeving. Met onze standplaats Amsterdam en de mensen die we ontmoeten – en van wie er zoveel dansen! We betrekken ze graag bij onze plannen – of laten ons graag bij hun plannen betrekken. 

Samen met de Blue Wolf Dancers, een line dance-groep voor ouderen uit Tuindorp Oostzaan in Amsterdam Noord maakten we ‘Once Upon a Time in the North’, dat in première ging tijdens Cinedans FEST. Met het moderne dansgroep van Sanne Fokkens werkten we aan een pilot ‘Van wie is de stad’, waarin amateurdansers hun kijk geven op een stad in beweging. Het leverde 4 korte films op waarbij ze begeleid werden door verschillende choreografen en filmmakers. 

Cinedans werkt momenteel aan de uitwerking van ‘Van wie is de stad’. Met heel uiteenlopende amateurdansgezelschappen (jong, oud, man, vrouw – en alles ertussen in) willen we een verslag van de stad maken – in dans en in beeld. Voornemen is het plan te starten in de herfst van ’22. Zodra er meer bekend is wordt dat op de site gepubliceerd. Neem voor meer informatie contact op met Cinedans dramaturg Nienke Rooijakkers.  

Cinedans feels connected to its surroundings. With our home base in Amsterdam and the people we meet (so many of whom dance!), we like to involve them in our plans or have them involve us in theirs.

Together with the Blue Wolf Dancers, a line dance group for elderly people from Tuindorp Oostzaan in Amsterdam North, we made ‘Once Upon a Time in the North’, which premiered during Cinedans FEST. With Sanne Fokkens’ modern dance group, we worked on a pilot project entitled ‘Van wie is de stad’, in which amateur dancers give their view of a city on the move. This resulted in four short films in which they were accompanied by various choreographers and filmmakers.

Cinedans is currently working on an elaboration of ‘Van wie is de stad’. We want to make a report on the city – in dance and in images – with very diverse amateur dance companies. Young, old, men, women and everything in between. The plan is to launch the project in the autumn of ’22. For more information, please contact Cinedans dramaturge Nienke Rooijakkers.


Oorsprongdans by Jord Noorbeek | HKU-Graphic Design 2017

Numeris Unanis by Chris Meñoza, Zoë Mul, Jaime van Nobelen, Romy Reckers, Bin Thien Nquyen | ROC – PACT+Dans

Away by Kirsten Mannee | HKU – Graphic Design 2015

Loading by Eveline Castelein | Codarts-DD 2019

226 Chapters by Dovile Krutulyte,Erikas Zilaitis, Swali Mazzaggio | AHK-ECD 2021

LAB Agenda


  • Bachelor Dance 2nd year; ArtEZ Arnhem – Dance & Camera ONLINE
  • 3-day masterclass; COMMA, master for performing arts Codarts & Fontys


  • Docent Dans 3rd year; Codarts Rotterdam – Dance & Camera


  • Expanded Contemporary Dance 2nd year; ATD Amsterdam – Dance & Camera ONLINE


  • Bachelor Dance 2nd year; ArtEZ Arnhem – Auditioning for Camera


  • Pact+ Dans 2nd year; ROC Amsterdam – Dance & Camera ONLINE
  • Pact+ Dans 1st year; ROC Amsterdam – Auditioning for Camera ONLINE


  • Bachelor Dance 3rd year; Codarts Rotterdam – Auditioning for Camera
  • Expanded Contemporary Dance 3rd year; ATD Amsterdam – Dance & Camera


  • Bachelor Dance 3rd year; Fontys Tilburg – Auditioning for Camera


  • Bachelor Dance 2nd year; ArtEZ Arnhem – Auditioning for Camera

Individual trajectories for students of Fontys, Codarts DD


  • Modern Theatre Dance 2nd year; ATD Amsterdam – Dance & Camera
  • Docent Dans 3rd year; Codarts Rotterdam – Dance & Camera


  • Mobile choreography workshop


  • Bachelor Dance 2nd year; ArtEZ Arnhem – Dance & Camera ONLINE


  • Bachelor Dance 1st year; ArtEZ Arnhem – Dance & Camera ONLINE
  • Bachelor Dance 2nd year; ArtEZ Arnhem – Auditioning for Camera


  • ONLINE crash course for dancemakers; Dansmakers icw European Dancehouse Network


  • Pact+ Dans 3rd year; ROC Amsterdam – Dance & Camera ONLINE


  • Students preparatory course Baletto di Roma; Rome – Dance & Camera ONLINE


  • Bachelor Dance 3rd year; Codarts Rotterdam – Auditioning for Camera ONLINE

Individual trajectories for students of Codarts DD


  • Modern Theatre Dance 2nd year; ATD Amsterdam – Dance & Camera


  • Bachelor Dance 2nd year; ArtEZ Arnhem – Dance & Camera
  • JEF festival Antwerpen – Kidz Workshop
  • Cinedans FEST – VRLab


  • Docent Dans 3rd year; Codarts Rotterdam – Dance & Camera


  • Bachelor Dance 2nd year; Codarts Rotterdam – Auditioning for Camera
  • Bachelor Dance 2nd year; ArtEZ Arnhem – Auditioning for Camera


  • Pact+ Dans 3rd year; ROC Amsterdam – Dance & Camera
  • Van wie is de stad icw … – Community project


  • Lecture – Master Kunsteducatie; ATD Amsterdam


  • Bachelor Dance 3rd year; Fontys Tilburg – Auditioning for Camera
  • Bachelor Dance 3rd year; Codarts Rotterdam – Auditioning for Camera
  • Daltonschool De Meer groep 7; Amsterdam – Dance & Camera
  • Image & Media Technologie 3rd year – HKU Utrecht – Interactive installations

Individual trajectories for students of Codarts DD, artists connected to DOX