Open Call | VRLab Cinedans Fest’22

We are very happy to announce that the third Cinedans VR Lab is happening during Cinedans FEST’22 (June 20 – 26)!

Are you a dancer, choreographer, audiovisual artist or multimedia designer and do you have an interesting idea for a VR project relating to dance, movement or the body? Submit your plan now! 

The research can be both artistic and technological – or a combination of the two. Plans around AR, MR, 360 etc. can also be submitted. Three groups of makers will be selected. The VRLab will end with an ‘open lab’ for Cinedans audiences, where results can be tested and shared with an audience.

Cinedans LAB collaborates with VRDays in Rotterdam, November ’22. One of the projects will be selected for the Creative Lab and join the Creators’ Lab at VRDays ‘22. All participants can pitch their plan to funds and industry at VRDays Europe.

The Lab offers:

– 6 intensive Lab days with your own workstation and technical facilities.

– Content and technical coaching, before and during the Lab.

– Shared lunch, combined with interesting lectures and meetings.

– Feedback from professionals from the Virtual field.

What the Lab requires:

– A research question involving the combination of dance, movement or body and VR.

– An innovative aim in the field of choreography, dramaturgy, and audience experience.

– Some experience with VR: the Lab is there to deepen knowledge and make new steps.

– A contribution to the costs of 250,- per research.

Interested in being part of the VRLab’22? Apply until the 20th of April by filling in this form.

If you have any questions, you can contact us through

Cinedans VRLab works with BeamSystems, VRDays Europe and ImproVive and is supported by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.

Picture: Cinedans VRLab 2019 by Maarten Nauw

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